Cruelty Free Festival WA

Celebrating cruelty-free living, social justice and sustainability.

Our Guiding Principles

1. The animal rights position maintains that all sentient beings, humans or nonhuman, have the basic right not to be treated as the property of others.

2. Just as we reject racism, sexism, ageism, and homophobia, we reject speciesism.

3. We recognise that the most important step that any of us can take toward abolition is to adopt the vegan lifestyle and to educate others about veganism (the eschewing of all animal products including meat, fish, eggs, dairy, honey, fur, leather and wool).

4. We will not support positions that call for supposedly “improved” regulation of animal exploitation that promote one form of exploitation over another.

The Cruelty Free Festival is an initiative started in 2010 with the aim of raising awareness about and celebrating veganism, animal rights, cruelty-free living, social justice and sustainability. For the past several years it has grown more popular and engaged a wider audience, attracting more than 2000 people in 2012.

The festival has always had an intersectional focus, promoting a wide range of social justice causes from animal rights to human rights to environmental issues. We are making an effort to make these links even more strongly this year, for example by introducing a panel discussion that will explore the connections between human rights and animal rights. The day will also include cooking demonstrations, informational stalls, talks, fun activities for children, live music, delicious food, raffle prizes and so much more.

Non-profit organization